Sunday, January 3, 2010


I DID it!  I registered! Just pop on over to and voila!  Just make sure to enter Lakewood as the location.  Now I feel slightly better about this wee bean and his inevitable appearance in less than three short months.

There were a few items that weren't available at babiesrus that I have been eyeballing for a while, they aren't exactly essential, but they are so lovely/practical/awesome/etc and everyone should be allowed a wishlist of sorts.  I will, of course, be modifying/adding to this as suggestions and new discoveries make their way onto my radar.

Mama Mio Tummy Rub 
I had a prenatal massage and they used these products, I figure my skin couldn't get any softer.

Love the color, style and that it can be used from infant to toddler.

A smart cart seat cover for the little bean.

Why not cover your boobs with style, right?

Easy to clean, use, travel with, etc.

Just click on Gift Registry  and enter Barstow.  You'll have no problem spotting Kris' choice.

Serena & Lily Gypsy Tote and Sling
Almost anything from this site would make me swoon but those two are my top picks!

We're all set with furniture and clothes and I tried my darndest to keep it simple because I figure that will make things easier on everyone involved.  It's not too far to go now...the end of March is fast approaching!

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