Monday, March 7, 2011

Date Night

Kris and I had the opportunity to enjoy our SECOND date night since Cohen was born. Of course, we jumped at the opportunity to spend several hours away from the house sans bebe and to make the night even more memorable we tried a new restaurant, Ted's Montana Grill. Honestly, we could have dined just about anywhere and I would have given the meal 5 stars simply because I was able to use both hands to eat and not pick Cheerios out of my water glass. I took photographs throughout the meal to commemorate such a monumental achievement and after we overcame the nagging feeling that we had indeed forgotten something we had a fantastic time. Like all good things, they must eventually come to an end, and even though we had no curfew we returned home just before nine, because we're boring old people who find it difficult to keep our eyes open without the aid of toothpicks after about 8 pm.




buffalo bill

delicious duo

apple crisp

twinkle lights

Photos taken with the Retro Camera App for Droid

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