His movement has become much more robust and my organs seems to be dealing with the abuse admirably. Although, he did manage to punch my right ovary with such gusto I felt it was necessary to let him know that behavior will be unacceptable OUTSIDE the womb.
I had a prenatal massage not too long ago at the most charming spa and, let me just say, it wasn't nearly long enough and I didn't want to ever bathe again because the products they used were divine. My sad and tired skin has never been so hydrated and lovely smelling.
Kris and I went on our Hospital Tour and we now know the in's and out's of the North Suburban Medical Center's Maternity Ward. I'm sure I won't care one wit about their room service menu while in the throes of labor.
We are still, as of yet, undecided on a name. Who knew this would be the most challenging part of bringing a wee babe into this world?
At my last appointment I'd gained a total of 28 lbs. but my obgyn insists the bean is probably going to be about 6.5 - 7 lbs. I see a lot of brisk walks in my future. He's in the "head down" position which is good but it doesn't look like he'll be "heading out" sooner than expected, which is also good.
My Baby Shower was beautiful and wonderful and I can't express enough how ovewhelmed I was by everyone's graciousness and generosity. Kris and I are profoundly blessed to have such a fantastic circle of friends and family, near and far. The bean received a superfluous amount of gifts and I now have a stunning collection of beads, a charming reminder of all the people who care and support our family. I am so looking forward to having this precious keepsake when the time comes for the bean to make his big debut.
While we are feverishly preparing the nursery the majority of our time has been getting the Nursery-To-Be cleared of all my crap...like birthday cards from 1987 or a decade-old keychain from Six Flags. Then we (I use the word "we" loosely) have to move all the furniture downstairs to the newly constructed guest room, prep the nursery, paint the walls, furniture, etc., assemble said furniture, wash the 400 million onesies we now own, organize the 2 diapers I have received via mail for FREE, and slipcover the glider cushions because nothing shall be upholstered in DENIM in my house. It's like the Everest of projects but without the frostbite and oxygen tanks, although hair loss is a definite possibility.
Since I don't have a recent picture of me, the one, capturing for posterity, my legs that now resemble tree trunks, I will leave you with the color palette for the nursery, which is much easier on the eyes! Trust me!